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Complete guide to IELTS writing task 1 (academic)
Comparative graphs
How to present data
Comparison 1 (the highest - the lowest)
Comparison 2 (A is higher than B)
Comparison 3 (A is as high as B)
Quizzes (as high as)
Write an overview
Quizzes (How to identify key features)
Assignment and model essay (Consumer spending in four European countries) (9:55)
Graphs with a trend
How to describe a trend (9:05)
Vocabulary for line graph (quiz and practice)
How to connect two changes (then, after) (7:05)
Analyse a line graph (6:03)
Assignment and model essay (UK acid rain emission) (13:16)
Line graph
Connect two changes with Participle Clause (5:30)
Assignment (expenditure on research in the US) (6:13)
Sample essay (expenditure on research in the US) (9:35)
Pie chart (Energy resources in four countries)
Essential connectives (while and whereas) (4:18)
Describing percentages (quiz and practice)
Assignment and model essay (Energy resources in four countries) (11:04)
Bar graph
Relative clause (commenting on the data) (4:45)
Describe differences in numbers (6:27)
Assignment and model essay (pollutants in four cities) (10:03)
Connectives (Compared to and as opposed to) (6:12)
Connect two changes (although and despite) (5:05)
Assignment (renewable energy in four countries) (4:53)
Model essay analysis (renewable energy in four countries) (5:46)
Three types of sentences (8:51)
Assignment (Fast food eating frequency)
Assignment (mobile phone usage)
Mixed chart and future prediction
How to describe a trend in the future (3:57)
How to connect the past with the future (6:22)
Assignment (global demand for meat) (4:53)
Model essay (global demand for meat) (6:52)
Process diagram
Word form (a basic way to write a sentence) (4:07)
Essential connectives in a process (3:46)
Connect stages with "before" and "after"
Participle clause in a process
Advanced structures in writing process
Model essay (cement and concrete production) (12:32)
Model essay (solar panel process) (10:43)
Model essay (brick manifacturing) (10:16)
Assignment (Production of chocolate)
Comparison diagram
Single map (23:31)
Practice with single map (16:43)
Double maps (18:39)
Practice with double maps (17:24)
Extra practice
Bar charts
Line graph
Mixed charts
How to connect the past with the future
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